These free printable wedding invitations contain high quality
stock images and are folded invitations. This means that you fold an 8 1/2
sheet of paper in half to create a single invitation.
How to use printable wedding invitations:
The invitation templates are saved as Adobe PDF files. They
are blank templates so that you can add your own text and embellishments.
Simply open the templates up with your web browser and print them out using
your printer. Next you can custom decorate the wedding invitation. Want
to give it a try? Here are step by step instructions on using our printable
wedding invitation templates:
Print out the wedding invitation on scrapbooking or other heavy paper. Find
invitation scrapbooking paper at your local office supply store. Now, let's refer to this as the invitation's
2. Print out your own wedding
invitation wording with some more heavy paper. This paper can be white
or contrast to the heavy paper that you are printing your invitation cover
3. When finished use the decorative edging scissors, paper
tear edgers, paper tear rulers, tear edger to make your invitation text
block look pretty. Tear edgers allow you to create natural looking torn
edges! They are sharp enough to tear paper, yet safe enough for skin. Most
paper tear rulers have two different sizes of the same style for you to
use to tear your wedding invitation papers. With these rulers you can transform
your ordinary home made invitations into Masterpieces quickly and easily.
4. Glue or use scrapbooking tape to bind your invitation text
block onto the inside of the invitation cover.
5. If you'd like, you can add scrapbooking embellishments
such as hearts, bridal bells, confetti, bride and groom, wedding cake and
Following these instructions will help you to make a beautiful
custom made, professional quality invitation that you can proudly give out
to family and friends. These type of printable
wedding invitations are great for low budget but elegant wedding celebrations.